DC5: Optimal Scaling and Clustering for Airborne Wind Energy
Delft University of Technology
This project will investigate the optimal configuration for utility scale AWE plants from an economic and environmental impact. AWE can achieve utility scale power by both scaling the device and combining multiple devices into a plant. Furthermore, there are also multiple topologies that will have their own scaling potential. This research aims to identify optimal scaling strategies based on the economics, physics, and environmental impact. To achieve this, this research will develop a system engineering model that will use simple physics-based models to develop optimal AWE devices and plants over a range of different scales. The model will use a cost model to assess the cost of the plants. Furthermore, the cost model will be augmented with a life cycle analysis so that the environmental impact of the materials is incorporated into the analysis. From this, the three main topologies will be investigated. The scaling potential physically, economically and environmentally will be evaluated.
Expected Results
Physics-based system engineering model, focused on the aircraft design and nominal operation. Preliminary optimization of AWE devices and plants based on physical metrics. Cost model for AWE plants. Preliminary optimization of AWE devices and plants based on economic metrics. Cost model updated with data on environmental impact from life cycle analysis. Optimization of AWE devices and plants based on combinations of physical, economic and environmental metrics.
Supervisory team
Roland Schmehl is main supervisor, Linda Kamp and Alessandro Croce are co-supervisors. Claudio Vergara is an additional industry supervisor.
Planned secondment
Kitemill (M15-M21), to verify engineering model with flight tests of two prototypes, supervised by Espen Oland.