Socio-economic transformations

The third set of objectives is focused on transformations in society and businesses that are needed for AWE to become established. AWE start-ups need technological innovation systems to mature and scale-up the technology. AWE technology needs to achieve legitimacy in the eyes of governments, utility companies, and financiers. Finally, it is unclear how AWE can exploit renewable power generation gaps in time and geography, to have maximum impact on the electricity grid. Identifying market segments where AWE can have the greatest impact will help guide its development.
Related literature
A listening experiment exploring the relationship between noise annoyance and sound quality metrics for airborne energy systems.
Wind Energy Science Discussions.
How do residents perceive energy-producing kites? Comparing the community acceptance of an airborne wind energy system and a wind farm in Germany.
Energy Research & Social Science.
The potential role of airborne and floating wind in the North Sea region.
Environmental Research: Energy.
Niche Strategies to Introduce Kite-Based Airborne Wind Energy.
Airborne Wind Energy: Advances in Technology Development and Research.