Matti Koivisto is an expert in techno-economic optimization of electricity grids.

  • Electricity Grids
  • Optimization
  • PhD in Electrical Power Systems, 2016

    Aalto University

  • MSc in Electrical Power Systems, 2010

    Aalto University

Selected publications

Olalekan Omoyele, Maximilian Hoffmann, Matti Koivisto, Miguel Larrañeta, Jann Michael Weinand, Jochen Linßen, Detlef Stolten (2024). Increasing the resolution of solar and wind time series for energy system modeling: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Cite DOI

Julian Quick, Juan Pablo Murcia Leon, Polyneikis Kanellas, Sumanth Yamujala, Kaushik Das, Matti Koivisto (2024). Surrogate-based modeling and sensitivity analysis of future European electricity spot market prices. Electric Power Systems Research

Cite DOI

Philip Swisher, Juan Pablo Murcia Leon, Juan Gea-Bermúdez, Matti Koivisto, Helge Aagaard Madsen, Marie Münster (2022). Competitiveness of a low specific power, low cut-out wind speed wind turbine in North and Central Europe towards 2050. Applied Energy

Cite DOI